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21 February 2021 at 23:00:00


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ILGA-Europe Annual Review 2011

ILGA's 2011 LGBTI Equality Index Report scored Malta with 0 points reflecting on the previous year.

An instance quoted in the report: In March of 2010 during information seminars on the Employee Support Programme for Public Employees (ESP), Joe Mizzi, a Catholic priest and Director of the Cana Movement, made a presentation in which he referred to homosexuality as a social problem and sexual dysfunction. In his powerpoint presentation, he listed homosexuality as an example of a sexual problem for which counselling could be sought. 

A complaint was lodged with the ESP by two lesbian participants who had attended Mizzi’s seminars. They received an official reply assuring them that remedial action had been taken, including the requirement that Mr Mizzi issue and circulate a public declaration; that the ESP could be accessed without discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, and that LGB employees were not discouraged from seeking assistance. 

As required by the ESP, Mr Mizzi issued a declaration in which he apologised for any offence caused and stated that the reference to homosexuality made in the slide had been removed. According to him, his comments were not “directed to imply that homosexuality is a social and sexual problem in itself, but individuals going through the process of defining their sexual orientation may benefit from counselling sessions to assist them in dealing with personal issues that may be raised as a result.”

Malta has enjoyed a top ranking in ILGA's LGBTIQ Equality Index for the past 6 years, currently scoring an 89% towards full equality.

ILGA-Europe Annual Review 2011

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