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Exhibit Number


10 February 2021 at 23:00:00


Image Credits:

Mount Carmel Archives, thanks to James Licari, President of The Malta Association of Professional Conservator-Restorers.

An exclusive look at a particular case of a 53-year old person being admitted to Mount Carmel Hospital (Malta's Mental Health Hospital) for 'Melancholia' (depression?) in 1931. The reason for his admission seems to be based on the fact that his son was imprisoned 3 months earlier for 'Sodomy'.

Unfortunately we cannot say that, stigma around one's own family member being gay, is over nowadays here in Malta. Far from it. Just this week, a 65-year old man was tried in Court for corrupting his 7 year old son with two women for fear that his son might be gay.

We also know of personal accounts of LGBTQ persons being threatened with violence by their own parents against them or their partner if they continue the relationship.

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